On Chanukah, everyone strives to light the lamps, one
way or another, in a Menorah. Even in the darkest moments of Jewish history and in the
most adverse conditions, Jews would procure even the smallest of makeshift menorahs that
would shed a little light, not only on past events, but also on the strength of Jewish
commitment in our days.
How many know, however, to distinguish between the
menorah used on Chanukah and the ancient Temple menorah? There are differences: The
Chanukah Menorah - known as Chanukiyah in Hebrew- is the candelabrum designed to hold the
lights of Chanukah. It is similar to the ancient menorah that stood high in the Holy
Temple in Jerusalem, and that became one of the earliest symbols of the Jewish people. But
it differs both in structure and function.
The Menorah in the Bible
The Menorah is described in detail in the Bible (Exodus
25:31-37) and was considered by some as the physical representation of the Tree of Life in
the Garden of Eden. It had seven branches, each one, it is said, standing for another day
of Creation.
The shape of the menorah was found in the flora of Eretz
Yisrael. The Menorah was a central feature of the Temple, and its lights served as a
source of light from evening till morning. Its central light was never allowed to burn
out, this being the source of the term Ner Tamid (or "Eternal Light") found in
synagogues today. Legend recalls that the light of the Temple menorah overflowed beyond
the confines of the sanctuary and lit up every household in Jerusalem.
The Temple Menorah burned pure, beaten, olive oil that
was produced in olive presses supervised by the priests or their representatives. The oil
was "packaged" in containers sealed with the mark of the High Priest to
distinguish it from ordinary oil.
This is was what the priests were searching for after
the Temple was purified, following the victory over the Syrian Greeks. Among all the
rubble, they actually found one closed and sealed jug which contained enough oil for one
The Chanukiyah
When Judah the Maccabee decreed an eight day holiday to
commemorate the rededication of the Temple and the miracle of the oil, the people began to
light the eight lights of the festival. It soon became obvious that it was easier to light
a single lamp with eight wicks than eight, separate, clay oil lamps. Thus the Chanukah
menorah was born.
The major difference between the Temple Menorah and the
Chanukiyah is obviously the number of branches. While the Temple Menorah had seven, the
Chanukiyah has eight. Commonly, there is also the addition of a ninth lamp called the
shammash (or "helper") which is used to light the lamps each night (since it is
forbidden to make use of the Chanukah lights themselves).
Why not a Seven Branched Menorah?
But why not use a seven-branched menorah on Chanukah if
it symbolizes a miracle associated with the ancient Temple Menorah?
The answers given are based on different sources for the
celebration of the festival of Chanukah, and include:
The lights of the Temple Menorah lasted for eight days
after the purification of the Temple (Shabbat, 21b). The festival was declared for eight
days and each branch of the chanukiyah represents another day.
The Maccabees found eight iron pipes in the Temple which
they then erected, filled with oil, and kindled (Midrash: Pesikta Rabbah 2:5).
After the destruction of the Second Temple, a
prohibition was placed on making replicas of the seven branched Temple Menorah (see Rosh
Hashanah 24a, Avoda Zara 43a). The lighting of eight lights thus enabled the dedication of
the Menorah to be celebrated without transgressing this prohibition (after R. Abraham
Isaac Kook, first Chief Rabbi of Israel, 1921-35).
Whatever reasons given for lighting the eight-branched
menorah on Chanukah, one thing is certain: the lights of the chanukiyah will continue to
inspire generations to come with lessons of bravery, devotion and the power of belief in
ancient Jewish traditions.
May The Light In The Eternal City Of
Jerusalem Shine Forever!
Hear Oh Israel The Lord Thy GOD Is One
Lord - King James Bible
The Israelites or Jewish people as they are called --
have always been GOD's chosen people because they believe in one GOD only. They have a
difficult time understanding how JESUS is GOD.