1010 - 970 |
Reign of King David. |
ca. 1004 |
King David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites. Makes Jerusalem the
capital. |
ca. 960 |
King Solomon begins to build the First Temple. |
928 |
Division of Kingdom into Israel (north) and Judah (south). |
722 |
Assyrians conquer northern Kingdom of Israel. |
701 |
Hezekiah successfully withstands Sennacherib's attack on Jerusalem. |
597 |
Babylonians capture Jerusalem. |
586 |
Nebuchadnezzar destroys city and First Temple and exiles Jews to Babylon.
539 |
Fall of Babylon. |
538-37 |
Cyrus allows Jews (about 50,000) to return to Jerusalem from Babylon |
520 |
Works begins on the building of the Second Temple under Zerubbabel. |
515 |
Completion and rededication of the Second Temple. |
445 |
Nehemiah appointed governor of Judea by Artaxerxes and rebuilds city
walls. |
397 |
Ezra the Scribe initiates religious reforms. |
332 |
Alexander the Great conquers Palestine. |
323 |
Death of Alexander in Babylon - Wars of Succession begin. |
320 |
Ptolemy I captures Jerusalem. |
320 - 198 |
Rule of Egyptian Ptolemies. |
198 - 167 |
Rule of the Syrian Seleucids. |
167 |
Antiochus IV of Syria outlaws Juda and desecrates the Second Temple. |
167 - 141 |
Maccabean War of Liberation. |
164 |
Judah Maccabee recaptures Jerusalem and restores Temple. |
166 - 160 |
Rule of Judah the Maccabee. |
160 - 143 |
Rule of Jonathan. |
143 - 135 |
Rule of Simon Maccabeus. |
ROMAN PERIOD (63 BCE - 324 CE) |
63 |
General Pompey and his Roman legions conquer Jerusalem. |
63 - 37 |
Hasmonean rules continue but under protection of Rome. |
40 |
Rome appoints Herod King of Judea. |
40 - CE 4 |
Reign of Herod the Great. |
37 |
King Herod captures Jerusalem. |
18 |
Herod commences rebuilding of Temple. |
ca. 7 BCE - ca. 31 CE |
Life of Jesus of Nazareth |
4 BCE |
Jerusalem is governed from Caesarea by Roman procurators.
Herod dies. New Testament Period under Roman Rule (First Century CE)
26 - 36 |
Pontius Pilate, Roman procurator of Judea. |
27 - 31 |
The ministry of Jesus. |
31 |
Crucifixion of Jesus. |
63 |
Temple completed. |
66 |
Jews revolt against the Romans. |
70 |
Jerusalem is demolished by Titus; survivors are exiled or sold into
slavery. |
132 |
Bar Kochba leads a doomed revolt against Rome. |
135 |
Emperor Hadrian rebuilds Jerusalem; builds new walls and renames the city
Capitolina and country Palestine; bans Jews from Jerusalem. |
BYZANTINE PERIOD (324 - 638) |
313 |
Emperor Constantine legalizes Christianity. |
324 |
Constantine becomes sole ruler of the empire. |
326 |
Queen Helena discovers Gologotha and other holy sites; her son,
Constantine, builds the Anastasis (Church of the Holy Sepulchre). |
438 |
Empress Eudocia allows Jews to live in Jerusalem. |
614 |
Persian conquest of Jerusalem. |
628 |
Emperor Heraculis recaptures the city. |
EARLY MUSLIM PERIOD (639 - 1099) |
638 |
Six years after the Mohammed's death, Caliph Omar captures Jerusalem;
Jews readmitted. |
691 |
Dome of the Rock is built by Caliph Abd al-Malik. |
715 |
Al-Aqsa Mosque is completed by al-Walid al-Malik. |
750 |
Power shifts from the Umayyards of Damascus to the Abbasids of Baghdad;
Abbasids continue to enhance Jerusalem. |
969 |
Fatimid conquest is soon followed by destruction of churches and
synagogues. |
1071 |
Seljuks devastate Jerusalem. |
CRUSADER PERIOD (1099 - 1187) |
1099 |
Crusaders led by Godfrey de Bouillon, capture Jerusalem; Baldwin I
declared king; Jews and Muslims are slaughtered. |
1187 |
Kurdish general Saladin captures Jerusalem from Crusaders; permits Jews
and Muslims to return and settle in the city. |
AYYUBID and MAMLUK PERIOD (1187-1517) |
1229 |
Treaty returns Jerusalem to the Crusaders. |
1244 |
Mamluk Sultans defeat the Ayyubids and rule Jerusalem; city again in
Muslim hands. |
1260 |
Mamluks of Egypt rule Jerusalem from Cairo. |
1267 |
Rabbi Moshe Ben Nahman arrives from Spain, revives Jewish congregation. |
1275 |
Marco Polo stops in Jerusalem on his way to China. |
1291 |
Acre, the last Crusader stronghold in the Holy Land, is captured by the
Mamluks. |
1348 |
Black Death Plague hits Jerusalem. |
1492 |
Jews arrive following Spanish Exile. |
OTTOMAN PERIOD (1517 - 1917) |
1517 |
Palestine and Jerusalem become part of the Ottoman Empire. |
1537 - 1541 |
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent rebuilds the city walls. |
1799 |
Napoleon invades Palestine but does not try to conquer Jerusalem. |
1831 |
Mohammed Ali of Egypt rules the country for nine years. |
1838 |
First consulate (British) opens in Jerusalem. |
1849 |
Consecration of Christ Church, first Protestant church in the Near East. |
1860 |
First Jewish settlement outside walls of the city. |
1892 |
Railroad connects the city to the coast. |
1898 |
Visit by Dr. Theodor Herzl, founder of the World Zionist Organization. |
1917 |
British conquest and General Allenby's entry into Jerusalem. |
1920 |
The Mandate for Palestine is conferred on Britain. |
1921-29 |
Arab-Jewish disturbances. |
1936-39 |
Arab-Jewish disturbances. |
1925 |
Hebrew University buildings are inaugurated. |
1947 |
United Nations Resolution to create a Jewish and an Arab state in
Palestine. |
1948 |
British withdraw from Palestine; the country is invaded by armies from
neighboring states; the State of Israel is declared on May 14. |
1948 - 49 |
Israel War of Liberation. |
1949 |
Israel-TransJordan Armistice Agreement signed; Jerusalem divided between
two countries.
Jerusalem proclaimed capital of Israel; East Jerusalem is ruled by Jordan. |
1967 |
Israelis capture Old City during Six-Day War. |
1973 |
The Yom Kippur War. |
1979 |
Egypt and Israel sign peace treaty. |
1987 |
Beginning of Intifada. |
1993 |
Israel and the PLO sign the Declaration of Principles. |
1995 |
Israel and Jordan sign peace treaty. |