Highlighting Scientific and Archaeological Research Concerning the Location of the First and Second Jewish Temples Israel Forums on The Microsoft Network Israel Chat Room on The Microsoft Network In AD 70 as the Jews were destroyed they were dispersed to the four ends of the earth. At the end of the Time of the Ezeialkel 37: GOD said HE would bring Israel back to their own country. In 1948 the Star of David was raised. 1948 when Golda Meir and David Ben-Gurion gave the call for all Jews to return to their homeland of Israel. 1. Rebuild Their Nation 2. They wanted to take their Temple site back from the Arabs and Muslims. The Mosque of Omar stands their. 3. They wanted to sacrifice a Red Heifer again. Moshe Dayen in 1967 during the Six Day War -- the Jews took back their land in Jerusalem The Jew could not approach the Temple Site unless he was purified with the ashes of a Red Heifer. In 1491 BC by Moses there had only been nice Red Heifers' sacrificed. When the tenth Red Heifer was sacrificed the ashes will be used to purify Israel and welcome the Messiah. Zacharia 14: when the Lord would stand on the Mount Olive then forty nine days later they will march into the city of Jerusalem. Master, Lord will thou at this time restore the Kingdom of Israel. But the Gospel shall be preached into every part of the world. The Jew has wanted the Messiah Mount Olivet. By the year of 2000 the Red Heifer will be old enough to sacrifice. She is six months old now. In the year 2000 the Red Heifer will be three years old. In the sixth chapter of Revelation an earthquake will come and destroy the Mosque of Omar. The Tabernacle with two rooms. The first with three pieces of furniture. Then the Veil which was as thick as four fingers of a man's hand. And the second with one piece of furniture, The Ark Of The Covenant. The Red Heifer was taken outside and sacrificed then the ashes used to purify the Jews. King Solomon 992 BC built the Temple on Mount Mariah. After seventy years Cyrius gave permission to rebuild 457 BC until 330 BC. The Grecian overran the Temple and destroyed. In 30 BC the Romans rebuilt Herod's Temple. That was the Temple Jesus worshiped. Titus the Roman General destroyed this Temple. Pontius Pilate -- Roman prefect of Judaea -- was the judge at the trial of Jesus. He was appointed by Tiberius in c.26, having charge of the state and the occupying military forces, but subordinate to the legate of Syria. Although based in Caesarea, he also resided in Jerusalem. Jesus of Nazareth is the central figure of the Christian faith, whose nature as Son of God and whose redemptive work are fundamental beliefs for adherents of Christianity. "Christ' became attached to the name Jesus in view of his followers' conviction that he was the Jewish Messiah ( Christ comes from the Greek meaning "Anointed One'). On the day that Jesus died something happened in that Temple. The Bible said the Veil in that temple was rent in twain from top to bottom. Law was over and the High Priest had prevailed. In the Scriptures the worship changed. The space of the Gentile age called Grace. The blood of Jesus is used to save men. Without the blood of Jesus there is no remission of sins. Israel was driven from their homeland. In a last measure in AD 70 to Massada. They hid the Ark Of The Covenant. They took all the vessels and brought it to the Dead Sea caves. Also the sacred writings of the Old Testament. Herod destroyed that temple. Dome of the Rock. Muslim temple built on the Temple Mount in the 7th AD by Muslim leader Caliph Abd al-Malik. 1. There will be a literal 7-year Tribulation. The last half will be the Great Tribulation. History has shown that God reveals his prophesies literally. Examples of literally fulfilled prophesies include the rise and fall of the Media-Persian and Greek empires, the destruction of the city of Tyre, the temple being destroyed and rebuilt several times, dozens of events in Jesus' life, and many other prophesies. There will also be a literal Tribulation of seven years on earth. In Daniel 9:24-27, Gabriel tells Daniel that from the time the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem is given, to the arrival of the Messiah will be 69 weeks of years. Since God expressed this prophesy in years of 360 days, this is 69 times 7, or 483 years of 360 days (173,880 days). The commandment Gabriel spoke of was given by King Artaxerxes about 100 years later in 445 BC (Nehemiah 2:1-6). Exactly 173,880 days later, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as King of the Jews on Palm Sunday 32 AD. Gabriel said the 70th week would begin when the Antichrist makes his seven-year treaty with Israel, and that the Antichrist would break the covenant at the midpoint of the seven years. The last three and one half years are called the Great Tribulation. Its length is one half of a seven year period (Dan 9:27), and "a time, times, and an half" (Daniel 12:7). Taking a time to be a year and times to be two years, this gives three and one half years. Revelation further describes the length to the Great Tribulation as 1260 days (Rev 12:6) and 42 months (Rev 13:5). Since God gave us the duration in four different units (days, months, years, and weeks of years), can there be any doubt how long it will last? Also, since God fulfilled the first 69 weeks literally to the exact day, we know that he will do the same with the 70th week. Daniel 2: the Seventy week of Daniel. 445 BC which is our AD 32 April 173,880 days fulfilled. One week left. That is the Seventieth Week. The space between the Crucifixion and the Rapture of the Church is the Period of Grace. After the rapture of the 1 Corinthians 13 Roman 11 The fullness of the Gentiles. For seven years GOD will deal with the Jew again. The White Horse Rider for three and one half years. The Jew will occupy their Temple. The Anti-Christ will set himself as GOD. He will rule the world Religiously, economically and politically. Three two thousand periods of time. The Jew knows he does not have to fight for the Temple. He knows GOD will tear the Temple down. The first thing the Jew needs is the Temple rebuilt. The second thing the Jew needs are the ashes of that Red Heifer. Menachem Begin -- Israeli statesman and prime minister (1977--83), born in Brest-Litovsk, Belarus. He studied law at Warsaw University, and as an active Zionist became head of the Betar Zionist movement in Poland in 1931 -- and Itzhak Rabin -- Israeli soldier, statesman, and prime minister (1974--7, 1992--95), born in Jerusalem. -- were the past Prime Ministers of Israel. |