[an error occurred while processing this directive][1war.htm] To the question put to Abraham Lincoln concerning the civil war, "Do you think God is on our side?", he replied, "The important questions is not, 'Do you think God is on our side?' rather it is, "Are we on God's side?"Select here: The Southern National Anthem, Dixie Local customs, however hardened by time, are not decreed in heaven. Habits and feelings they engender may be counteracted and moderated.Select Here: Experience attests that such local habits and feelings will yield, gradually though this be, to law and education.And educational influences are exerted not only by explicit teaching. They vigorously flow from the fruitful exercise of the responsibility of those charged with political official power, and from the almost unconsciously transforming actualities of living under law.
Select here for The Confederate States of America1861-1865The Executive Cabinet"To advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and Independence of the Southern people by all honorable means." One-hundred and thirty eight years ago our United States was torn apart by the greatest Civil War this world has ever endured. There existed two countries that could not come to terms with Slavery. The South, led by their president Jefferson Davis was a country that stood for the rights of the states and the Institution of Slavery. The North, led by their President Abraham Lincoln stood for the application of the Constitution. While some may blame or herald Jefferson Davis, the following men had a large hand in the decisions he made toward running the Confederate States of America. Select here for: The Southern National Anthem....Please Stand Secretaries of State
Attorney Generals
Secretaries of the Treasury
Secretary of the Navy
Postmaster General
Secretaries of War