War of 1812
Up 1776 American Revolution War of 1812 1856 Civil War World War I World War II Korean War Vietnam War


Origins of War of 1812

1803 May 18 - Napoleon renews war on England

U.S. becomes most important neutral carrier
French & Spanish West Indies opened to U.S.
but this violated Rule of 1756
trade closed in peace not open in war

1803 May - Essex case

Barcelona to Salem to Havana = "broken voyage"
ended U.S.-Brit. rapprochement (no Rufus King)
Brit. blockade begins (Leander kills John Pierce)
Congress retaliates with nonimportation act

1805 Oct. 21 - Nelson defeats France at Trafalgar

1805 Dec. 2 - Napoleon defeats Austria & Russia at Austerlitz

1806 Dec. 31 - Monroe-Pinkney pact fails

1806 May 16 - Brit proclaims Europe blockade

1806 Nov. 21 - Berlin Decree begins Continental System

1807 Jan. 7 - Order in Council closes Europe ports 1807 June 22 - Chesapeake vs. Leopard

Capt. Barron unprepared; no loggerheads
3 killed, 4 impressed
Brit. board the Caravan in Macao

1807 July 2 - Jefferson responds:

special session of Congress
closed U.S. waters
recall Med. Squadron
ready gunboats, 7 coastal forts
100,000 militia; "we will take Canada"

1807 Dec. 14 - Nonimportation Act

1807 Dec. 22 - Embargo Act

"peaceful coercion ... a successful failure"
exports drop $108m. to $22m.
imports drop $138m to $56m.
coastal trade bonded; whalers exempt
amend. allows return "ballast" (800 ships)
states allowed to license flour shipping
special presidential exemptions (Astor)

1808 Apr. 17 - Bayonne Decree

assumed any U.S. ship violated Embargo

1809 Mar. 1 - Nonintercourse Act

exports OK, but not to Brit or France

1809 Mar. 4 - Madison inauguration

but Repub divided: Randolph, Clinton

1809 Apr. 19 - Erskine affair

but Canning demands Rule of 1756

1809 June 10 - Madison's 1st blunder

ends nonintercourse with Brit prematurely
reimposed 2 months later

1810 Mar. 23 - Rambouillet Decree

France seizes U.S. ships in French ports

1810 May 1 - Macons Bill No. 2

Congress restores trade, but if Brit or France revoked decrees, U.S. to halt trade with the other

1810 Aug. 5 - Cadore letter

France agrees to Macons Bill, but with nullifying string that Brit would also revoke

1810 Nov. 2 - Madison accepts France offer

nonintercourse with Brit in 3 months
but Brit does not revoke decrees = impasse

1811 Feb. 1 - Wm. Pinkney recalled from London

Madison fears war is inevitable

1811 Mar. 10 - Henry letters

showed New England plot with Canada

1811 May 16 - Little Belt incident

USS President fires on HMS Little Belt

1811 June 1 - Foster begins change in Brit policy

pays Chesapeake claims

1811 Nov. 7 - Battle of Tippecanoe

Harrison negotiations fail Nov. 6 with Tenskwatawa (Prophet)
Prophet promises warriors that white man's bullets will not harm them, and attacks Harrison's camp (Fort Harrison) in early morning; Harrison awakens and hastily mounts the horse of his aide in front of his tent; Indians attack tent with Harrison's gray mare tied outside and kill the aide, but Hrrison on the aide's horse leads army to repel the Indian attacks.
finds Brit arms on the Wabash and burns Prophetstown
Tecumseh web page

1811 Nov. 4 - 12th Congress convenes

rise of the War Hawks led by Clay
vote to increase Army (not Navy), tariff, direct taxes

1812 Apr. 4 - 90-day embargo begins

1812 May 11 - PM Perceval killed; new PM Liverpool

Castlereagh repeal decrees June 16

1812 June-Oct. - Napoleon invades Russia with 600,000

1812 June 1 - Madison war message to Congress

  1. impressment
  2. ships stopped off U.S. ports
  3. blockade
  4. Brit Orders in Council
  5. Indians

1812 June 4 - House passed war bill 79-49

1812 June 17 - Senate passed war bill 19-13

1812 June 18 - Madison signed war bill