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To the question put to Abraham Lincoln concerning the civil war, "Do you think God is on our side?", he replied, "The important questions is not, 'Do you think God is on our side?' rather it is, "Are we on God's side?"

Select here: The Southern National Anthem, Dixie

Local customs, however hardened by time, arenot decreed in heaven. Habits and feelings they engender may becounteracted and moderated.

Select Here: Experience attests that such local habits and feelings will yield, gradually though this be, to law and education.

And educational influences are exerted not only by explicit teaching. They vigorously flow from the fruitful exercise of the responsibility ofthose charged with political official power, and from the almost unconsciously transforming actualities of living under law.

The Civil War: 1861 - 1865

Select here for: Its History

"To advance the cultural, social, economic, and political well-being and

Independence of the Southern people by all honorable means.".

  1. The Truth Is Marching On.
  2. Select here for: The Southern National Anthem....Please Stand
  3. Hush Little Baby
  4. The History of the Executive Cabinet

Two Communities in the Civil War... looks at the Civil War from the perspective of two communities on either side of the Mason Dixon Line: Staunton, Virginia and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.

Poems and songs of the Civil War (Union and Confederate) about battles, generals,

life in camp and at home, Lee, Lincoln, and the postwar era.

Living History Weekend.... of South and North in North Carolina...

Civil War Roundtable...In Dallas, Texas

Civil War History...In The Deep South of Mississippi

The Honor...Of the South and the Civil War Flag

Camp Chase Gazette is the largest and oldest publication devoted to the coverage of Civil War


The First Louisiana Brigade! We are a living history and civil war reenactment organization with member units in Louisiana and Mississippi. These units include artillery, cavalry and infantry.

The Center of Military History web site is rapidly emerging as one of the largest libraries of military history information on the World Wide Web. With many full-text books and documents, and a museum display of Army art, the CMH web site is delivering a good chunk of the institutional memory of the U.S. Army in real-time.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

or Life among the Lowly

Harriet Beecher Stowe